Sunday, June 19, 2011

"VIVA.....ANC Youth League VIVA"

Words from Mama Winnie Madikizela Mandela: Ignore Julius Malema @ yo peril.....Thathata Julius Malema....Economic freedom has been long over due....Land reform by a policy of a willing seller willing buyer has never worked, and we do need Nationalisations of South African Mines...Communities that live close to these natural resources they know the pain cost by this so called Investors.

Let South Africa be enjoyed by everyone who live in it....
17 Years of Freedom but still not all of us enjoying the fruits of it, we need to start looking @ things in a very different ways..

I love u My Youth President Julius Malema, you are my leader in indeed.

A young man who is not afraid to speak about issues that needs to be challenged and benefits South African Society and not imperialists.

I strongly believe that resolutions that were taken at 24 ANCY National conference will be achieved......

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Immigration laws influence Xenophobic attack

South African law regarding Immigrants are not that tide enough...Yes we cannot allow/ echoe Xenophibic attack, but why our government allow foreignenrs to open SME's (Tuck shops or Sphaza shops) in Townships. Why immigrants are being given so much freedom in our country, yes we are friendly country and developing country in the same time.

Now that local residents who are small shop owners, they have to share consumers with shops owned by foreign people. This create an influx were we observe lot of immigrant coming to our country, to open shops (especially in townships). Now every corner of any townhip you visit, one will bump onto a shop owned by a foreigner.

Yes they are hardworkers and not lazy as our fellow South Affricans but currently resources that we have are not enough for our growing population. I strongly belive that is time for South African government to make Immigration law to be tide enough, in a way that foreigners are not allowed to open shops in the informal markets.

Currently South African share resources with people from other contries and they also face poor delivery of services. Undelivery of services influences frustration among community members and this lead to attack to foreigners with a perception that they are not contributing to a tax collection and are given preferences when come to jobs and allocation of RDP houses.