Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are we experiencing the fading of profession Teaching

The fact is profesion of a teaching is the one that develops and shape our country. The government and the world preach that education is power and key to alleviate power. To achieve this song or a goal, a teacher is used as a vehicle. However, the poor teacher's at the end are renumerated peanuts. I called this peanuts because "Teachers" cannot afford to buy house, clothes for their children, cars and etc.....very painfully you found a teacher renting a backroom in a township with one of his or her learner.....

Our State is really not taking care of our beloved Teachers! How do u pay teachers peanuts and suddenly you expect them to deliver quality education and produce future Doctors, Engineers and many professional. Do we see a teaching as calling to poverty or will we say teachers are passion about teaching? how do u motivate a young leaner to study teaching?

In the near future I realy see South Africa facing brain draining of the teachers(teachers moving to other countries for greener pastures) and shortage of teachers (as people will now be scared to study profession of teaching as they will be trapped into poverty).

Let the government give teachers what is due to dm...... and by doing so we can proudly say Education is a key to alleviate poverty (1) because profession of teaching will not fade but our teachers will be motivated and encouraged to continue doing their lovely work, (2)they will be able to deliver quality education, (3)Sector Education & Training Authority (SETA) will see many people becoming teachers. (4) The country will not have high rate of school leavers and unemployment will decrease.

Let the governement used this opportunity as a way to acknowledge teachers!!!

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