Thursday, January 20, 2011

"Empty promises break's trust"

"Empty promises" in 2009 South African's have been urged 2 vote & promised decent jobs, in 2009 we hv been told again that 500 000 jobs will be created. However, it hs been reported in 2010 that 500 000 jobs were nt decent jobs but jobs that prepares employee to be employable in the market. January 2011 definition of decent jobs has been given a different tune again and labeled "any job is better than no job". How will ordinary citizens trust leaders that do not deliver on their promises???????

Trust is very imoportant factor in relationships, work place & leaders we elect. If trust is breaked relationships fall apart. The South African Citizens have entrusted political leaders. Yet they fail to deliver on promises they make, how will in future trust leaders that do not deliver on its promises.

According to International Labour organisation (ILO). The good employment, or decent work, is defined in accordance with a number of basic aspirations of working people everywhere. The criteria defining decent work include some of the following elements:

i) Access to employment: that employment (wage or self employment) should be available for people seeking it, that this decision be voluntary (excluding forced or compulsory employment, bonded or slave labour), in accordance with the minimum age of access to employment (banning child labour as defined by ILO conventions), and including the voluntary decision to work full or part time.

ii) Decent remuneration of work: that there should be remuneration for all work carried out, that such remuneration from work, especially in the case of wage workers, should correspond to a fair and living wage, and that work of equal value should ensure equal pay.

iii) Fair conditions of work: that working time arrangements concerning daily and weekly working hours, regular and overtime work, breaks and rest periods, should reflect fair and acceptable practices, be compatible with social and family needs, and that work intensity should avoid excessive work leading to overwork and stress, or underutilization of work.

iv) Safe work environment: that the physical work environment should avoid extreme conditions (heat, dust, noise, workloads), and ensure a safe working environment (with appropriate prevention of work related accidents, injuries and occupational diseases).

v) Protection in case of unemployment: that there should be forms of protection in the case of loss of employment as well as some support to facilitate the search of new employment.

vi) Employment and training opportunities: that there should be opportunities for training and for developing skills during the entire working life cycle as well as opportunities for advancement and moving into different positions.

If only our leaders can define to us what is a decent work and allow the burning of labour brokers will see South Africa have low rate of unemployment.

1 comment:

Pauline said...

True hey. But the empty promises are not only on employment issues.infact they are on everything. Funny how we (citizens) even knowing that they are just pulling a face, yet when they make those promises, we still give a cheer